REL G1 Mark II - 12" 600W активный сабвуфер
Активный сабвуфер REL G1 MK II предоставляет собой существенно доработанную версию предыдущей модели, что позволило еще более повысить качество мощь звука. Аппарат выполнен в корпусе с изогнутыми стенками, толщина которых составляет 29 мм, что, с учетом глубокого внутреннего демпфирования, полностью исключает опасность нежелательных вибраций. Панели корпуса REL G1 MK II сделаны изогнутыми для гашения внутренних стоячих волн и связанных с ними искажений звука.
Сабвуфер имеет закрытую конструкцию и на его передней панели находится низкочастотный динамик диаметром 300 мм с диффузором из углеволокна. В данной модели диафрагма динамика сделана более жесткой без увеличения веса, что обеспечило отсутствие искажений при любой громкости звука. Кроме того, ввиду более высокой устойчивости диффузора нового динамика к изгибу его подвес сделан более гибким, что, в свою очередь, позволило сделать амплитуду его перемещения больше, а скорость – выше. Басовик оснащен мощной магнитной системой и смонтирован на антирезонансной корзине с улучшенными аэродинамическими характеристиками.
REL G1 MK II оснащен усилителем мощностью 600 Вт класса A/B, запатентованная схемотехника которого обеспечивает высокую эффективность работы, широкий динамический диапазон звука и малые искажения. Сабвуфер оснащен акустическим (на разъеме Neutrik Speakon) и низкоуровневыми (линейным и LFE) входами. Акустический кабель длиной 10 метров с разъемом Speakon входит в комплект поставки сабвуфера. В данной модели предусмотрена возможность включения нескольких сабвуферов по цепочке для создания низкочастотных массивов – например, в случае необходимости озвучить большое помещение. Аппарат также комплектуется удобным пультом управления необычной круглой формы, на котором находятся раздельные регуляторы уровня сигнала для входов обоих типов, переключатель абсолютной фазы и регулятор частоты входного фильтра.
Сабвуферы REL G1 MK II изготавливаются вручную на заводе фирмы, а внешняя отделка его корпуса рояльным лаком производится в течение несколько дней. Эта модель станет отличным выбором для домашнего кинотеатра, так и в стереосистемах высокого класса.
G1 MKII represents a study in contrast. Familiar, yet different—visibly unchanged, better in every way than the original G1, our best-selling reference sub.
A Classic Reborn
Retained is the classic curvilinear cabinet, with its shape carefully engineered to cancel standing waves as they travel rearward through the cabinet. The laminated hardwood bracing reminiscent of musical instruments still finds a home—though re-configured for even greater rigidity. The amplifier is the powerful, yet highly controlled and ultra-reliable 600w Class A/B with new limiters that allow almost 40% more power being delivered without compression.
The driver—the heart and soul of any REL– has been dramatically upgraded with greater fore-and-aft stroke, a more supple suspension and the ability to handle greater dynamics. This new version is now capable of 112 dB output. expands the performance horizons of the original in every way, whilst retaining its core strengths of dignified beauty coupled to even more savage output.
Reinforced Strength
Whilst the outer form garners all the praise, with its 1-1/8” thick curvilinear surfaces artfully finished in 12 coats of hand polished piano black lacquer, it is the inner construction that produces the clarity, quietness and dynamics for which G1 MKII will become known. The marine grade laminated hardwoods we employ are not unlike the spars on a ship. Each cabinet require two days of production time to build a single unfinished cabinet. Then the raw cabinet takes three weeks to handcraft. The resulting structure is far more than a beautiful shape; it is the structural basis for the deep bass the G1 MKII produces.5.
Reproducing Perfection
When we experience bass in real time out in the world, it occurs with height to it. It strikes our sinuses, it kicks at our chest cavities, it rumbles along the floor conveying power authority and majesty. Our Reference Line Arrays permits bass to emerge more naturally, adding a height component in how it propagates throughout the room. The bottom unit reinforces the deepest overtones, creeping and rumbling across the floor to produce room shake. The middle location provides crisp attack and articulation of kick drums or any transient-based event. The unit imparts the flutter and shimmer of all manner of instruments floating in air. Making Reference Line Arrays the Holy Grail of the REL experience and is only available with our Reference products.
Since 90 percent of the energy produced by a system resides in the bass regions, Reference Line Arrays are the magic element missing from so many otherwise state of the art systems. This air, transparency and, of course, effortless power that Reference Line Arrays convey can’t be imagined, it can only be experienced in person.
Reliable Source
The massively beautiful, finned, alloy heatsink is necessary when dissipating the sorts of power necessary to produce prodigious deep bass for hours on end. Capable of outputting a conservative 600W (120V) on occasion, our dedicated Class A/B amplifier used in G1 MKII is a true dreadnaught. Powerful, fast and capable of tremendous current delivery, it is the finest amplifier ever designed by our engineers.
For G1 MKII we borrowed techniques learned in just the past year to ensure virtually limitless electronic limiting. These newly developed circuits allow for almost 40% more power being developed through the driver before gentle limiting takes over. The net result is that plays substantially louder (about 5 dB) than its illustrious forebear.
Rigid Speed
The bass engine of any REL is its crowning glory. The G1 MKII driver is some 25% stiffer in bending modes than the award-winning original, which makes it better able to cope with the profound dynamics asked of a Reference Series REL. This improvement permits us to use a softer suspension better able to react quickly to dynamics, both large and small. The result is a substantial upgrade in the speed, liveliness and dynamics of the entire system. Suspension travel now permits over 2” of stroke, which makes for exceptionally high output, resulting in almost twice as loud a final result as its predecessor. This exceptional force and agility makes the G1 MKII ideal for powerful home theater as well as fine 2-channel systems.
Total Control
Begin your relationship with REL Reference by simply picking up the remote; feel its heft, how its rounded contours fit gently in the cup of your hand. This is a carefully wrought system improvement that encourages the sort of finely detailed decisions during set-up necessary to achieve the perfect balance to the ultimate system owner.REL Reference models employ remote control in order to assist and increase ease of initial set-up. We do this knowing that once properly set, the owner will likely use it rarely during the remainder of their ownership experience as RELs truly can be set-up correctly to reproduce all forms of music and film without resorting to cheap parlor tricks like turning bass up for movies and down for music.