Rega Kyte
2-joslu plauktu akustika.
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Rega Kyte - 2-joslu plauktu akustika
Rega Kyte ir Rega jaunākais plaukta akustikas modelis.
Akustikas korpuss ir izgatavots no fenola sveķiem, tam ir unikāla keramisko plākšņu un krustenisko stiprinājumu konstrukcija. Kvalitatīvu un dabīgu skanējumu nodrošina Rega ZRR augstfrekvenču un MX-125 vidējo / zemo frekvenču skaļruņi.
Kyte akustiska būs lielisks papildinājums praktiski jebkurai HiFi sistēmai.
Experience Rega
Experience the true voice of Rega components with the all new Kyte loudspeaker system. The Kytes are meticulously hand assembled in house using our unique design phenolic resin cabinet. Internally they feature ceramic plates and carefully engineered cross bracing developed to make the cabinet extremely stiff. This prevents unwanted resonances interfering with the accurate output of the drive units and directly improves both dynamics and the bass performance from the speaker. The Kytes are easy to position and are supplied with an optional foot to allow for various positioning giving the user greater flexibility.
- Custom designed phenolic resin cabinets
- Unique ceramic plate & cross brace construction
- Handmade MX-125 bass-mid unit
- Rega designed ZRR high frequency unit
- Bass reflex design, rear ported
- UK designed and manufactured
- Lifetime warranty against manufacture defects