Cambridge Audio Edge W power amplifier
Cambridge Audio Edge W Stereo pastiprinātājs
Lai arī ārējais dizains ir minimāls, Edge W iekšpusē ir sarežģīta audio inženierija. Lai novērstu šķēršļus starp jums un jūsu mūziku, mēs esam cītīgi strādājuši, lai samazinātu komponentu skaitu signāla ceļā. Rezultātā Edge W nodrošina ticamāku oriģinālo ierakstu reproducēšanu; iespaidīgi detalizēta trīsdimensiju skaņu ar pārsteidzošu inscenējumu un fokusu. Mēs aizsākām toroidālo transformatoru izmantošanu pastiprinātājos, kas uzlaboja veiktspēju. Edge mēs speram šo soli tālāk, izmantojot pretējus simetrijas dvīņu toroidālos transformatorus. Tas novērš elektromagnētiskos traucējumus, vienlaikus piedāvājot izcilu jaudu un saglabājot nemainīgu tonalitāti neatkarīgi no tā, cik skaļi tas tiek atskaņots.
Powerfully subtle
For all its power, Edge W is remarkably detailed. The sound is finely balanced, with a musical depth and clarity that comes through with every note. It’s all down to how we chose the componentry inside – nothing was picked on price, specs or measured performance. We listened carefully and created our system with components that simply sounded the best. The end result is a power amplifier that truly brings an original recording to life like no other.
- Class XA stereo pastiprinātājs
- Balansētā topoloģija
- 2 toroidālie transformatori
- Balansētā XLR ieejas, izejas
- Maksimāli saīsināts signāla ceļš
- Rūpīgi atlasīti komponenti
- Jauda 2 x 100 W RMS (8 Ohm), 200 W RMS (4 Ohm)
- THD <0,002% 1kHz, pie 80% no nominālās jaudas, <0,02% 20Hz – 20kHz, pie 80% no nominālās jaudas
- Frekvenču diapazons 3Hz – 80kHz +/- 1dB
- S/N >113 dB
- Ieejas : 1 x RCA, 1 x XLR,
- Izejas : 1 x RCA, 1 x XLR, pāris akustisko sistēmu
- Maksimālā patērējamā jauda 1000W
Just 14 components in the signal path
Although minimal in its exterior design, Edge W has some complex audio engineering inside. To remove the barriers between you and your music, we have worked hard to minimise the number of components in the signal path. As a result, Edge W delivers a more faithful reproduction of the original recording; an impressively detailed three-dimensional sound, with striking staging and focus.
More musical detail
We pioneered the use of toroidal transformers in amplifiers, which led to improved performance. In Edge we take this one step further, using opposing symmetry twin toroidal transformers. This cancels out electromagnetic interference whilst offering outstanding power and maintaining consistent tonality, no matter how loud it’s played.
Effortless power without distortion
Using standard Class A amplifier technology wasn’t going to be efficient enough for Edge W. Instead we added a bias voltage to a traditional Class AB design, reducing distortion to inaudible levels. This unique configuration also produces less heat and makes the whole system much more effective.
Perfect partners
Edge systems are designed to work in perfect synchronisation. Match the Edge W with our most versatile Preamplifier Network player, Edge NQ, to create a hi-fi system with a sound, and a look, unlike anything else.