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Rega Planar 1 PLUS Black

Vinila plašu atskaņotājs ar iebūvētu fonokorektoru.
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Rega Planar 1 PLUS Black - Plašu atskaņotājs ar iebūvētu fonokorektoru
Rega Planar 1 Plus ir godalgotā Planar 1 skaņuplašu atskaņotāja uzlabots modelis. Plus versija ir papildināta ar iebūvētu fonokorektoru - What Hi-Fi? 5 zvaigžņu godalgoto Fono Mini.
Planar 1 Plus izmanto visas agrākā brāļa Planar 1 priekšrocības, piemēram, 24V sinhrono motoru ar zemu trokšņu līmeni, RB110 tonarmu ar īpaši precīziem rumbas gultņiem un monolītu strēli, kurai ir pievienota Rega Carbon galviņa. Iestatīšana joprojām ir iespējama vien nieka pāris min, padarot to par visvienkāršāk pieregulējamo un izmantojamo "uzliec un spēlē" Rega atskaņotāju.

The Ultimate 'Plug and Play' Turntable
We asked ourselves, how do we make the most successful turntable we have ever made sound better, be even easier to use and be more accessible to a wider audience? The answer was simple; our engineers added a custom designed, high quality, moving magnet phono stage based around the multi-award winning What Hi-Fi? 5 Star Fono Mini.
For 2021 we have a fresh new look for the Planar 1 PLUS. We are delighted to introduce a stunning new matt finish. Every single aspect of the Planar 1 PLUS has been meticulously designed to improve performance. The Planar 1 PLUS uses a bespoke 24 V, low noise, synchronous motor to reduce vibration combined with our hand made RB110 tonearm fitted with our unique Rega designed ultra-low friction bearings. We have added our latest drive belt technology the EBLT belt which delivers greater accuracy and improved speed performance. If you are looking to get back into vinyl and want serious performance that will last you a lifetime, then look no further.

- Iebūvēts fonokorektors, kurš paredzēts adatas signāla pastiprināšanai līdz praktiski jebkura audio pastiprinātāja standarta lineārās ieejas līmenim. Tas ļauj viegli pieslēgties praktiski jebkurai audio sistēmai izmantojot RCA spraudņus (vads nāk komplektā)
- RB110 tonarms, kurš būvēts uz speciāli Rega konstruētiem zemas berzes gultņiem. Tonarmu papildina automātiska antiskeitinga stāvokļu fiksācijas sistēma, kura ļauj lietotājām izmantot absolūtu "uzliec un spēlē" principu - pilnībā izslēdzot paša neobjektivitāti (vai cilvēcīgo kļūdu), uzstādot adatas pretizslīdes spēka lielumu
- Rega Carbon galviņa ietilpst standarta aprikojumā
- Jauna dizaina matēts korpuss, kuram ieslēgšanas/izslēgšanas poga ir novietota korpusa apakšpusē, aizmugurē pa labi
- Nosegvāks ietilpst komplektā
- Pieejamās korpusa krāsas - Matt Black, Matt White
- Ātrumi - 33.3 un 45 apgr./min
- Īpaši kluss 24 V sinhronais elektromotors
- Iebūvētais fonokorektors - izejas līmenis - 370 - 410 mV, izejas pretestība - 1 kΩ, frekvenču josla - no 14 Hz (-3 dB) līdz 100 kHz (-0.6 dB), ieejas slodze - 47 kΩ (paralēli ar 220 pF), signāla un trokšņa attiecība - -75 dB
- RB110 - taisnas strēles 9" tonarms, integrētais galviņas turētājs, tonarma efektīgais garums - 237 mm
- 111 gr "uzliec un spelē" balansa atsvars
- Rega Carbon galviņa MM (ietilpst komplektācijā), standarta piespiedējspēks: 2 - 3 g
- Sprieguma pārveidotājs (ietilpst komplektācijā) - 24 V, 350 mA

The built-in phono stage is a high specification pre-amplifier. It is designed to amplify the signal from a moving magnet cartridge to a suitable level for all line level inputs of an appropriate system or audio amplifier. This allows simple connection to a wide variety of products using either the standard twin phono to phono lead (supplied) or phono to 3.5 mm plug (not supplied).
RB110 tonearm built with Rega designed, bespoke, ultra low friction bearings (Patent Pending). Pre-set bias assembly negating the need for the user to set bias, making this the most ‘Plug & Play’ turntable we have ever manufactured. Ergonomically, re-designed and stiffer headshell for improved usability and appearance.
Rega Carbon moving magnet cartridge supplied fitted as standard.
24 V, synchronous AC motor with a new motor PCB and aluminium pulley offering low noise and better speed stability.
Advanced EBLT drive belt supplied as standard for improved speed performance and accuracy.
Brand new matt finish plinth with vastly improved appearance and ergonomically positioned on/off switch located on the underside. Two stunning plinth finishes available, matt black and matt white.
Precision brass main bearing, offering improved fit and removing stress on the bearing itself while minimising the transfer of potential energy. (Patent Pending)
23 mm, high mass, phenolic platter with improved flywheel effect for improved speed stability.
Our latest custom foot design to increase stability and reduce vibration transfer.
Motor cover tray with integrated cooling.
111 g ‘Plug and Play’ balance weight.

Vairāk informācijas
24 V low noise motor
Rotācijas ātrums, rpm
33.3 & 45 rpm
Hand assembled RB110 tonearm
Factory fitted Carbon moving magnet cartridge
23 mm 'phenolic' platter
Frekvenču diapazons (Hz)
14 – 100000
Izmēri (A x P x D), mm
117 x 447 x 360
Svars, kg
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Jūs pārskata:Rega Planar 1 PLUS Black
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User Manual
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