Advance Paris X-i1100

Advance Paris X-i1100 - A high quality integrated amplifier
Integrētais pastiprinātājs X-i1100 balstās uz bezkompromisu un sarežģītu interjera dizainu, ekskluzīviem un audiofīlu atsevišķiem komponentiem, kā arī vienkāršu darbības koncepciju un Advance Paris nepārprotamo estētiku. Sarežģīto konstrukciju noslēdz jaunākie komponenti, tostarp polipropilēna kondensatori un metāla plēves rezistori, kas ir īpaši piemēroti izmantošanai augstas kvalitātes audio komponentos.
Advance Paris, the French manufacturer of high fidelity presents the latest of its CLASSIC range designed for the demanding music lovers. This new integrated amplifier has numerous technical advantages. We thus confirm our desire to leave nothing to chance and optimize each of the modules that make up this integrated amplifier. We get a device with many possibilities, operated intuitively, thanks to an ergonomics that can reference, and above all flawless and blameless musicality, all offered at a very competitive price, compared to the huge potential of X- i1100. The X-i1100 has no less than six inputs, including a mobile magnet phono, an asymmetrical and symmetrical CD, a tuner, two auxiliaries and a direct «Amp ln» input. The digital inputs are also numerous: a USB, an AES, and six S / PDIF including four optics. The outputs have not been forgotten: one dedicated to asymmetrical line recording and one preamplifier output, in order to connect an additional power block to the X-i1100. The X-i1100 can drive any type of passive speaker with its efficient 220W per channel under 8Ω ( 400W under 4Ω €! ) Relying on a toroidal transformer of 700VA and 60000uF filtering capacity. The preamplification stage has been designed with switching relays as close as possible to the inputs.
The DAC has two digital signal receivers: an X-Mos processor and a USB3318 with jitter correction for the USB input and a Cirrus Logic CS8416 for all the others, AES and S / PDIF. The converter chosen, a Burr Brown PCM1796, handles signals up to 192 kHz under 24 bits. Metal film resistors and polypropylene capacitors contribute to the quality of reproduction of this integrated amplifier. Mounted on large heat sinks, the amplifier boards, connected to the output terminals by means of cables with a cross section of 4 mm2, have a triple push-pull per channel, thus three pairs of bipolar transistors NJW0281G and NJW0302G. The X-i1100 can operate up to 45 W in a mode similar to class A and switches to class AB beyond, when the «High Bias» switch located on the back of the device is activated. Mechanical engineering was also well designed: five compartments forming as many galvanic isolations and contributing to the rigidity of the X-i1100 are integrated into the chassis. Chassis made of steel with black aluminum sides as well as a perforated cover ensures optimum ventilation of the X-i1100.